Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED anime, the Freedom Gundam model kit is on 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. The Freedom Gundam also includes interchangeable hands for holding different weaponry. Special marking stickers are provided to simulate the realistic placement of maintenance hatches and ports.

  • 1/144 Scale
  • Made of plastic
  • From Mobile Suit Gundam
  • Fully articulated figure once complete
  • Instructions may or may not include English translation


  • Freedom Gundam
  • 2 Beam Sabers
  • Anti-Beam Shield
  • Beam Rifle
  • Mini Pilot figure
  • Interchangeable hands
  • Instructions
SKU G5061614
Barcode # 4573102616142
Brand Bandai
Shipping Weight 0.4200kg
Shipping Width 0.190m
Shipping Height 0.310m
Shipping Length 0.080m

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